
Revitalizing Your Mind: Physical Therapy Techniques for Workplace Wellness

Revitalizing Your Mind: Physical Therapy Techniques for Workplace Wellness

Physical therapy treatment in Alabama

Did you know that the average person will spend about 3,750 days at work over their lifetime? It’s undeniable that our workplace plays a significant role in our day-to-day life. Perhaps that’s why workplace wellness has become more prevalent in recent years. After all, good health can’t wait until you’re off the clock! Looking for specific workplace wellness techniques? Rehab Partners of Gadsden has you covered.

Workplace wellness is a broad concept that looks to improve the health and wellness of employees through health-focused programs, ergonomically designed workspaces, and more. It can take many forms, including good workplace injury prevention practices, company policies encouraging health-promoting behaviors, and more.

At Rehab Partners of Gadsden, we know what happens when a company fails to consider its employees’ health, wellness, and safety. We frequently treat workplace injuries in the AL area and understand what a big impact a few small changes can make.

For more information about workplace wellness techniques that can help ensure a healthy, happy, and productive work life, schedule an appointment with us today!

What’s Involved in Workplace Wellness?

Workplace wellness is a comprehensive approach to promoting good health and wellness among employees. Companies use a blend of policies, benefits, programs, and more to ensure they provide a safe, health-promoting environment for all.

Here are a few examples of things that might fall under the workplace wellness umbrella:

  • Improved access to gyms or other fitness facilities (such as offering reimbursement for gym memberships)
  • Crafting company-wide policies that promote good health (such as tobacco-free campuses)
  • Stocking vending machines or break rooms with healthy snacks
  • Eliminating health and safety hazards from the work environment
  • Educational programs with information about workplace safety, relaxation techniques, or other wellness topics

While “workplace wellness” generally refers to company-wide programs, you, as an individual, can also practice workplace wellness by familiarizing yourself with the ways your job can potentially cause injuries or other health issues.

For example, let’s say you have a high-stress job. Stress significantly impacts our health: it contributes to cardiovascular disease, makes it more challenging to get a night’s sleep, and can potentially suppress your immune system. It’s important, then, that you find effective stress management methods–particularly things you can do in the office, such as breathing exercises.

Workplace Wellness Techniques from the Rehab Partners of Gadsden Physical Therapists

Physical therapy plays a vital role in managing and improving workplace wellness. Here are a few workplace wellness techniques that we might suggest you try:

  • Educate yourself. Certain jobs have a high risk of injury. Some are obvious (construction work, assembly line work), while others might surprise you (retail work, housecleaning). It’s important that you be familiar with the risks of your particular job so you can understand how to prevent injury.
  • Design an ergonomic workspace. Ergonomics focuses on optimizing our workspaces to maximize our health, happiness, and overall productivity. We can help you identify potential ergonomic flaws in your space and help you correct them. For example, if you work an office job, having a desk that’s the right height for you and having your computer set up correctly is essential.
  • Make things easier for your body. Most jobs can take a toll on our bodies. Office jobs require you to sit for extended periods. Manual labor can open you up to a variety of musculoskeletal injuries. While an ergonomic workspace is one way to make things easier on our system, it’s not the only way. It’s also important to take frequent breaks (stand up and stretch, move across the factory floor) and to maintain proper posture no matter what you’re doing.
  • Make sure you’re fit for work. Another aspect of injury prevention is ensuring you have the strength and functionality necessary to perform your job. Our therapists can help you pinpoint weak areas and develop a tailored exercise program to address them.
  • Discover relaxation techniques. Finding ways to relax and destress at work is just as important as protecting yourself from physical injury. Our physical therapists can help you find the relaxation techniques that will work for you and your job. Breathing exercises are simple to perform anywhere, and microbreaks can help clear your head between tasks.

Schedule An Appointment to Learn More!

Developing a good workplace wellness program ultimately depends on you and your specific job. The physical therapists at Rehab Partners of Gadsden can provide customized information about your situation. We’re also here if you suffer an injury at work and need help rehabilitating.

Request your appointment today to get started!


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