If You’re Looking to Get Rid of Your Pain Meds, We Can Help

Say Goodbye to the Daily Nuisance of Pills
If you’re taking pain relievers and don’t want to be reliant on them indefinitely, physical therapy may be the answer. Physical therapy can be extremely beneficial for both short-term pain (typically lasting a few weeks or months) and long-term or chronic pain (that which lasts for more than three months).
The opioid epidemic is frequently in the news, and it may have prompted you to consider the impact that pain relievers are having on your life. You may be tired of taking pain relievers every day when you wake up, throughout the day as you complete your tasks, and at night just to sleep comfortably.
Opioid medication can help with pain management, but it’s best used in situations where you have severe pain right after an injury or surgery. Opioid medication should ideally be used sparingly and for no more than a week.
Opioid medication was never intended to be a drug that you would take for months, years, or a lifetime. Opiates can cause extreme sensitivity in your pain receptors, which can lead to a worsening of your pain over time.
That is why physical therapy is such a viable option. It enables you to avoid that chronic dependency. Physical therapy is intended to relieve pain without the use of drugs. If you are interested in this holistic treatment option, please do not hesitate to contact us! You’ll discover how physical therapy can help you stop the pain and get off the pills for good.
Why you should choose physical therapy over pills
As stated by the APTA website, “The White House has announced that APTA is among the organizations that have joined a public-private partnership to combat opioid usage and prescription drug abuse, and that the association will reach out to the public and its members to deliver the message that pain can be effectively managed through conservative, non drug approaches.
Physical therapists can help individuals manage pain, and greater use of physical therapy could make a real impact on the tragic levels of drug abuse in this country—abuse that often begins with a prescription for pain medication.”
There are several other specific techniques that a physical therapist may use to help alleviate your pain, including:
- Laser therapy: Laser therapy works to heal injured tissues with photons. This can stimulate the healing process in cells that are damaged. When the healing process begins, this naturally reduces the level of pain.
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENs): This is also called TENS, and it involves low voltage currents that stimulate a painful area of the body. The electricity reaches the body through electrodes attached to various areas on the skin. This can increase endorphins, which naturally reduce pain.
- Imagery: This uses the brain’s neural connections to eliminate pain. The therapy includes visualizing movement and training the brain to overcome different types of pain.
- Ultrasound therapy: Ultrasound works by using sound waves that generate heat. This ultimately promotes an increase in blood flow. Increased blood flow can promote healing in the affected areas.
How physical therapy can help alleviate your pain – and your reliance on medications
Physical therapists can help you in two ways: by restoring your function and relieving your pain. Your physical therapist will help you regain function by strengthening weakened muscles, ligaments, tendons, and body tissues. This allows your body to heal and provides you with the strong support system you require to enjoy full function in the long run.
You’ll not only get stronger, but you’ll also get pain relief from the most recent evidence-based pain interventions. To help you feel better, your doctor and physical therapist can collaborate.
Instead of opioid pain medications, which can be addictive and even fatal, your doctor may prescribe nerve membrane stabilizers and then refer you to a skilled physical therapist who can assist you in healing without the interference of opioid medications.
Stress management can also be assisted by your physical therapist. If you suffer from stress and anxiety as a result of your pain, physical therapy can help you improve your life by teaching you new mindfulness techniques such as meditation, stress reduction exercises, and other alternative ways to deal with stressful situations.
Find relief for your aches and pains with holistic treatments
Physical therapy isn’t just for pain relief. It is about your overall health, mental well-being, and long-term health.
Your physical therapist can assist you in improving all aspects of your wellness in order to overcome pain and live a life free of the fog of pain pills.
Contact Rehab Partners of Gadsden today if you want to get past pain medication and relieve pain more naturally!