From Soreness to Strength: Exercises for Back Pain Recovery after an Auto Accident

John’s car was rear-ended at an intersection. Although he walked away from the accident without any serious injuries, he noticed a persistent pain in his lower back that hadn’t been there before. Rehabilitating back pain after an auto accident was a mystery to him; he’d heard of whiplash, but not this!
Fortunately, John eventually sought treatment from a physical therapist, who revealed he had suffered a lumbar strain. Just as you can strain your neck muscles in a car accident, you can also strain your back muscles.
John began a rehabilitation program that consisted of manual therapy and therapeutic exercises designed to strengthen his back and help stabilize his spine. Within a few weeks, his pain had reduced dramatically, and he no longer struggled with restricted mobility.
Many people don’t associate car accidents with back pain–but it does happen. However, rehabilitating back pain after an auto accident doesn’t have to be an ordeal. The physical therapists at Rehab Partners of Gadsden offer customized rehab programs that address your specific symptoms and injury so you can find effective relief.
Curious about the types of rehabilitation exercises we might prescribe for motor-vehicle-accident-related back pain? Keep reading for more information about our programs!
What Back Injuries Occur Due to an Auto Accident?
Soft tissue injuries are the most common type of injury to occur during a motor vehicle accident. Generally, they happen in the neck, thanks to the whiplash movement that often results from a car crash. However, they can also occur in your back, especially your lower back.
Most of these lower back injuries are strains, which occur when the muscles or tendons in your lower back overstretch or tear, causing pain and muscle weakness. The impact of the collision can force your body to twist or pull unnaturally, leading to injury.
That impact can also cause some people to develop a herniated disc. This injury occurs when an intervertebral disc (the small cushion of cartilage between your vertebrae) bulges or ruptures, irritating nearby nerves. If you’re someone who drives a lot (such as a truck driver), you’re actually at a higher risk of developing a herniated disc in general, thanks to the combination of prolonged sitting and the vibration from driving.
Finally, motor vehicle accidents can also cause spinal fractures. In fact, this is the second most common lower back injury after a lumbar strain. A spinal fracture is a small crack in your spine and can occur when a car collision forces your torso forward as your seatbelt keeps your lower body in place.
The physical therapists at Rehab Partners of Gadsden can review your specific symptoms and help you understand the exact nature of the injury you sustained in the motor vehicle accident. From there, we can provide a customized treatment plan to resolve that injury–ensuring you find lasting relief.
How We Can Help Rehabilitate Back Pain After an Auto Accident
Physical therapy is one of the best ways to resolve lower back pain, whether stemming from an auto accident or not! When we develop your treatment plan, we’ll pull from various techniques, selecting the ones that will work best for your situation. Here are some of the ones we use the most often:
- Manual Therapy: Manual therapy is a set of hands-on techniques that can resolve pain, improve range of motion, and promote healing and recovery through increased blood circulation. For example, we might manipulate your back’s soft tissue or gently mobilize your spine.
- Pain-Relieving Modalities: Depending on your injury, you might benefit from pain-relieving modalities such as cold therapy, heat therapy, or TENs. We can let you know for sure.
- Mobility Work: We can show you gentle stretches to get your back moving and help reduce your pain.
- Strengthening Exercises: Strengthening your core muscles (which include your back, inner abs, glutes, and hips) is an important part of rehabilitating a back injury. It restores the strength and stability necessary to support your spine, keep it healthy, and help prevent future back injuries.
Rehabilitating Back Pain After an Auto Accident? We’ve Got You
A motor vehicle accident can be a frightening and even traumatic experience, but you don’t want to ignore any back pain that develops after the fact. The team at Rehab Partners of Gadsden has extensive experience helping patients rehabilitate back pain after an auto accident, and we’ll find the right treatments for your needs!
Are you dealing with persistent back pain and think a recent motor vehicle accident might be why? Request an appointment at our AL clinic today to find out for sure!