
How an Ankle Sprain Can Affect Your Balance

How an Ankle Sprain Can Affect Your Balance

How an Ankle Sprain Can Affect Your Balance

Have you noticed that after you sprained your ankle, your balance is off, and you feel unsteady when you walk? At REHAB PARTNERS OF GADSDEN in GADSDEN, our therapists specialize in treating all types of foot and ankle problems to ensure they don’t lead to long-term problems.

While many factors can lead to balance problems, it can take time to figure out the root cause exactly. Ankle sprains are very common in people of all ages and abilities. Too often, people don’t realize that injuring the ankle directly affects your foot’s function and balance.

In fact, one of the most common complications of an ankle sprain is ineffectively addressing the disruption to proprioception. Proprioception is the body’s way of telling where we are in space. The nervous system interprets the information to ensure we respond to changes in our environment.

Pain or an injury to the ankle joints can limit the ankle’s function resulting in future pain and even an injury. Unfortunately, even if your pain subsides, dysfunction may still be present and lead to re-injury or chronic pain. Fortunately, it is also possible for the reverse situation to happen.

At REHAB PARTNERS OF GADSDEN in GADSDEN, our physical therapists understand the interconnectedness of the ankle and foot. They can help you identify the source of your problems and provide clear instructions and proven treatments to resolve them once and for all!

We will get to the root of your concerns and give you the tools to resolve your condition and get back on your feet without worrying about the pain. Request an appointment with one of our specialists today!

How to tell if your ankle is the source of your balance problems

Our body consists of an intricate and interconnected web of connective tissue, muscles, joints, and nerves. The foot and ankle depend on one another to function correctly and allow the body to perform miraculous functions like keeping our balance while standing, walking, and running.

If one part is injured, restricted, or breaks down for any reason, it will undoubtedly affect the rest of the body. Our physical therapists are skilled at identifying seemingly unrelated problems that may contribute to or cause your primary complaint.

Too often, people assume that when they feel off balance, it is a normal part of aging or related to something in the head (i.e., the vestibular system). When it comes to the ankle and foot, an injury to a joint will disrupt the proprioception, leading to impaired function in the whole foot/ankle complex and even up the leg resulting in loss of balance and coordination.

It is not always easy to pinpoint the source of the problem, and even more often, there isn’t a single issue but complex, interconnected problems. Fortunately, our physical therapist can help you weed through your symptoms and identify all the factors that need to be addressed.

At REHAB PARTNERS OF GADSDEN in GADSDEN, our physical therapists are dedicated to staying up to date on the current research and challenge themselves to keep on their game, providing the best possible care for our patients!

What to expect at your REHAB PARTNERS OF GADSDEN physical therapy sessions

At your initial evaluation, our physical therapists will perform a thorough assessment that includes a detailed history and a hands-on evaluation of the injured area. This assessment will help your therapist classify the severity of the injury and identify all the factors impacting your condition.

We will use this information to develop a treatment plan to address your current situation. Foot and ankle pain treatment depends on where the injury happened and how long ago it occurred. It is also essential to thoroughly examine how all the joints are working and whether or not there are restrictions and weaknesses affecting your function.

The initial stages of physical therapy will focus on restoring lost motion, reducing swelling, and using all available treatments to alleviate any pain you may experience. Next, we will design a program to restore your proprioception, balance, and strength so you can take on everyday activities.

Our comprehensive program will also look for any changes in your gait pattern that may make it difficult for you to move around freely. Dysfunctional movement patterns can last for years and lead to re-injury and potentially other injuries.

Our physical therapists will show you therapeutic exercises to perform at home that address any underlying issue contributing to altered movement patterns, balance issues, and overall susceptibility to more injuries.

Call today to request an appointment!

For optimal results, it is best to consult with a physical therapist to gain access to the most advanced healing methods and avoid re-injury of the affected area.

Contact REHAB PARTNERS OF GADSDEN in GADSDEN today to schedule a consultation or learn more about how physical therapy can help restore your balance after an ankle sprain!
